The incredible power of CNC woodworking makes it easy to dream. It’s even easier when the landscape is full of beautiful hardwoods and influences.
It started as a simple goal, to incorporate old symbolism and local flora and fauna into deep carvings on furniture. We live in a beautiful place, where the great lakes meet escarpment, and inspiration finds itself in the endless ferns, nettles and other wild elements that surround us.
These thick slabs of local elm, rustic with their live edges, have been calling to me for a while. The wild grain is beautiful, and the surface is hard and durable. But how will it take to machining?
The long grain provided a technical challenge. Unlike maple, walnut or cherry, elm has a long, flexible grain, one that threatens to pull up in strings, or worse, to crack and split. It meant that planning was needed, using sharp tools and a strategy that followed the direction of the tree’s growth.

There`s an intense excitement as these projects come together. The unforeseen knot deep in the wood that suddenly appears, the glue lines melding into the detail of the tree, and the slick, tactile feel achieved after chisel and sandpaper have made their journey; these things bring new life to an otherwise innate block of wood. Ontario CNC business signs
The final result was stunning. And the best part? With such great CNC technology at hand, it can happen all over again!
To commission CNC work, or buy this table, contact us at:
Production and Administration Tel: 1-519-372-2746
Sales Desk Tel: 1-800-561-4944 or, 1-519-371-2117